Confirmation is for students in 6th, 7th and 8th Grade.  We meet on Wednesday nights from September to April.  6th Grade class is at 5pm, they join the older kids for supper at 6pm. 7th & 8th Grade class is from 6:30 to 7:30pm. The 6th grade curriculumn is still growing as this is only year two. The 7th graders typically spend time learning about scripture, and the 8th graders learn about the catechism; Apostle's Creed and the Ten Commandments. An important aspect of the 7th and 8th grade confirmation is our mentor program. Students choose an adult to be their mentor during those two years. Several times during the year the students meet with their mentor to visit about their faith, the church, scripture, and God.  Students are confirmed in the spring of their 8th grade year.


First Communion is for students in 4th grade and is on Wednesday nights during Lent.  Class time is from 5:00 to 6:00 either in a classroom at Little Cedar or Marshall depending on the church service.  After class, the students will be able to join their families for the soup supper and to attend 7:00pm Lenten services.  There is a special ceremony for those students on Palm Sunday.

Little Cedar Sunday School is from September to May and starts at 10am after morning worship.  It is for children 3-years-old through 6th grade. Our Sunday School is taught with a lectionary style classroom and we use the Spark curriculum. The Sunday School students also put on a Christmas program every December for the congregation.

Marshall Sunday School is from  September to May and starts at 9:30am before morning worship.  It is for children 3-years-old through 6th grade. The students put on a Christmas program every December for the congregation. Kathi Himebaugh, Superintendent

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