Welcome to Little Cedar and Marshall Lutheran Churches



June  2024 

Welcome to June everyone!  

Schools out!!!   Time to begin the summer activities.

Keep up with all that's happening this summer by reading the Churchmouse and watching our live stream Sunday Worship Service.  Have a safe and fun summer everyone!  

Just winding down our activities before summer begins and we all are outside enjoying the nice sunny days.   Blessings to our graduating seniors this month check out the Churchmouse for names of those are graduating. 








Check out the newsletter for all the events taking place this month.

Keep checking the website and facebook page for new updates as they become available.  




Christ in our Home

Also, if you are wanting a Christ in Our Home devotional book, they are available to be picked up at Little Cedar. There are some in a basket outside Kathy's office or in the Narthex. 



Office Hours: 

Kathy's Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 9:00am to 4:00pm

Wednesday - 11:00am to 5:00pm

Tara's Office Hours are typically Monday through Friday 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Jeremy's Office Hours are Tuesday through Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
or anytime for pastoral emergency



Giving and Generosity

With the continued challenging times, we appreciate all your generosity. Please continue to support Little Cedar and Marshall and they work they do. 

Here are some simple instructions for how to continue giving to the church.


Members of Little Cedar Lutheran Church
1.Offering can be mailed to the church office and we will be passed along to the financial secretary.
                        Office of Little Cedar/Marshall
                        PO Box 304
                        Adams, MN 55909

2.Bill pay can be convenient, especially at this time. Bill pay checks can be directed to same address as above. The bank can even setup a recurring transaction for you.

3.Little Cedar members have the convenience of sending offering through Paypal. Click the link below or copy and past into we browser.                          


Members of Marshall Lutheran Church
1. Offering can be mailed to the church office and we will be passed along to the financial secretary.
                Office of Little Cedar/Marshall
                PO Box 304
                Adams, MN 55909

2.  Bill pay can be convenient, especially at this time. Bill pay checks can be directed to same address as above.




© 2024 Little Cedar and Marshall Lutheran Churches
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